Budapest city has not only got wonderful sights, great buildings but it has also got many green parks and quite places. If you want to have a nice, quiet escape and you want to enjoy the view of the city from a different angle this is the perfect tour for you.
If you learn only two words while you are in Budapest, Hungary one should definitely be Egészségedre!
Lángos, gulyás, csirkepaprikás, kürtöskalács, dobostorta are only a few gastronomic wonders, which characterizes Hungarian cuisine.
Budapest has many architectural landmarks in various styles. No doubt that well it deserves the name "Paris of the East".
This tour will open a window on history and reveal the less than bright past that one should never forget.
After visiting The Shoes on the Danube Bank memorial we will explore the VII. district of Budapest, the so called old Jewish neighborhood of Pest, where you will discover some highlights that are representing past and present.
During the 4 hours you will get to see the highlights of Budapest. Both main parts of the city, Pest and Buda are extremely beautiful, packed with history and culture offering a unique experience.